We Are Image Card Experts, We Are Going Digital, And We Think You Should Too

We Are Image Card Experts, We Are Going Digital, And We Think You Should Too (at Least Some Of The Time)

You likely know us for our CCS Cards – playing card-sized and jumbo-sized cards, and sheets of stickers, containing special sets of photos, illustrations, and words – and used in events and gatherings all over the world for decades. You may also know us for our expert guidance on how to maximise the use of these and other image cards to drive positive behaviour change, learning and development, innovation and team collaboration.   

You may not know, that for several years now, we have been refining a move from traditional paper-based physical cards to virtual (digital) cards delivered on mobile and desktop devices. There’s some controversy in this decision, the most prominent of which is that browsing through a digital pack is “just not the same” as the tactile touch and manipulation of physical cards. We agree. It’s not the same. But our experience is showing that the outcomes, the level of discussion and engagement, is just as good. In fact, at a recent session we facilitated with around 40 participants, there was the usual (always wonderful) moment when everyone is deep in sharing with the person beside them (often someone they have only just met), and I drew my colleague, Leonie Cutts’, attention to the scene around the tables – she immediately knew what I meant – the activity was easily as fervent as when physical cards were used.   

So, we are going digital, and we recommend that you probably should too (at least some of the time).

Allow me to share some of the reasons why – I’ll need to briefly go back to our beginnings.

From our very first pioneering steps into the world of using image cards to create conversation and connection (that’d be the board game Compatibility), we have extolled the benefits of giving every participant their own pack of cards. Responses are deeper, commitment to choices and sharing is stronger, equal voice, safety, and trust are easily created, and the emotional connection from similarity effects is paramount. In short, when everyone has their own pack, you can maximise the insight, enjoyment, and alignment across a group.

Despite the benefits, for many people, it has not always been practical or within budget to provide everyone in a session with their own physical pack of CCS Cards (particularly if it’s a last-minute decision). We understand this. And that’s one of the main reasons we are so excited about the potential for digital image cards – it’s soooo easy to give everyone their own pack!

Here’s a few more great reasons:

  • Very economical and scalable — from as low as 70 cents a person — so you can include them in your program even if you didn’t include them in your budget!
  • You have the option to digitally share and capture choices in virtual and in-room experiences
  • They are ready to go at a moment’s notice, planned, on the spur of the moment, or when you don’t quite have enough real packs for all your participants
  • You can currently choose between 3 different standard packs, with many more add-on packs and custom packs coming soon (to encourage all kinds of different conversations in many different settings)
  • They are perfect for combining with other real CCS Cards products and your tools — creating an excellent mixed media learning experience
  • There’s nothing to carry, nothing to collect and collate at the end, and never any missing cards
  • It’s contemporary and sustainable, and just a little bit cool!


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Get started using virtual CCS Cards in your facilitation, training, and coaching work today. Get the CCS Cards Go-Virtual Master Kit, a 100% virtual suite of image card tools and the expert documentation to ensure you can deliver with confidence.

CLICK HERE TO SHOP NOW: https://ccs.cards/ilp-special-bonus/

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