00:30:49 Kim: Are we getting a recording of this session as I will need to drop off before finish? 00:34:12 Tina: yes 00:38:32 Bill Jarrard: If anyone has questions feel free to add them to the Chat box 00:54:07 Dr Gary Tho: Does it matter how many steps? Is there a magic number? 00:55:31 David @ Jagerra Country: What if the step numbering alternated feet? 00:57:07 Dr Gary Tho: thanks 01:00:34 David @ Jagerra Country: What are the gifts of an ‘open’ spiral vs a ‘closed cycle’? 01:02:00 Dr Gary Tho: Thanks Renee, I was going to ask about the numbers for all the models! 01:08:59 Yolie Entsch: Renee whats the fourth step in the hero journey again? 01:10:49 Bill Jarrard: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hero%27s_journey 01:11:03 Yolie Entsch: Thanks Bill :) 01:20:16 Dea Huvonen: https://thinkrapt.com/ilpmasterclass/ 01:21:22 Dea Huvonen: Chat with Dea: https://calendly.com/thinkrapt/30min 01:21:48 John Carlton: Thanks Renee and ILP. Very interesting and insightful. 01:23:53 Dea Huvonen: apologies an error in the last book link. Please order your free books on this site https://thinkrapt.com/ilpmasterclass/ 01:25:06 Anita Sykes-Kelleher: I’ve tried to get the free pdf book but the link isn’t working? 01:26:07 Bill Jarrard: apologies an error in the last book link. Please order your free books on this site https://thinkrapt.com/ilpmasterclass/ 01:26:11 David @ Jagerra Country: Coupon isn’t working? 01:27:56 Dea Huvonen: Looks like the book orders are coming through nicely at the moment. Thank you everyone! 01:29:48 Anita Sykes-Kelleher: Thanks Dea and Renee! Looking forward to reading and using :) 01:30:20 Dea Huvonen: Our pleasure Anita :) 01:31:13 Yolie Entsch: Thank you Renee, Dea and Kerry! 01:31:43 Carole V.: Thank you very much Dea and Renee - very much looking forward to discovering your great work 01:36:39 David @ Jagerra Country: Must have been too slow. Coupon no longer works… 01:37:13 Sally Foley-Lewis: I have a question Bill? 01:38:52 Dea Huvonen: Paperbacks could be sold out but happy to send everyone PDF versions of both books. Please send me an email on clients@thinkrapt.com. Thank you! 01:39:14 Kerry Brocks: Thanks Dea 01:40:10 Trevor Manning: ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;’’ 01:41:32 Sally Foley-Lewis: ARGH ...... internet! 01:42:48 Kim McKillop: Landing page please 01:42:50 Dr Gary Tho: yes! 01:43:32 Anita Sykes-Kelleher: I use visual models for Process/Methodological information but hadn’t previously used them for promotional purposes before. I love the example with the dots and footprints - it tells the story visually. 01:45:02 Kim McKillop: Can you tell us about your half day workshop? 01:45:51 Dea Huvonen: thinkrapt.com/halfday 01:46:15 Dea Huvonen: discount code: ilp for 50% discount 01:46:34 Sally Foley-Lewis: Any other online dates in the calendar? 01:47:13 Trevor Manning: Really excellent session - Sorry for my book slipping onto the ; key. 01:47:23 Bill Jarrard: https://www.apilp.org/events/technology-participation-kevin-balm-and-david-jago 01:47:37 Renée Hasseldine: The next one is on 3rd August Sally. 01:51:07 Kim: Thank you so much for the session Renee, such valuable information, can't wait to receive your book. Thanks ilp for bringing this to us all. 01:51:18 Renée Hasseldine: Yolie - fourth step in the hero's journey is RESOLUTION (usually where the expert comes in) 01:51:44 Renée Hasseldine: Thanks Kim. 01:51:44 Adele Gaylard: Interesting session. Thanks Renee, Dea and ilp. 01:51:49 Dr Gary Tho: Thank you Renée! 01:51:59 Renée Hasseldine: Thanks everyone. 01:51:59 Adam Le Good: Thanks Renee and Dea 01:52:04 Carole V.: Thank you Kerry for a great session - I thoroughly enjoyed it. Thank you again Renee and Dea 01:52:05 Kim McKillop: Thanks Renee, Dea & ILP 01:52:16 Tina: thank you for a great session. I have kids in the background, so it was best I stayed hidden :) 01:52:22 Berenice Manning: Thank you - great session Renee! Appreciate the discounts and pdf offers! 01:52:22 Sally Foley-Lewis: Thank you - brilliant content! 01:52:57 Dr Gary Tho: Thanks Kerry 01:53:01 Yolie Entsch: Thanks Renee and ILP for book offer and discounts :)